“cup of tea party” focuses on the performative & relational aspects of play

Imaginative play with Millie involves repetition of the tea party rituals including dressing up, laying the table, preparing the food, welcoming guests, and being the hostess with the mostest.

Each week we also make one aspect of the ‘set’ (flowers for the table, the view through the window) developing skills in painting, drawing, cutting and modelling.

Our plan was for Millie to host her own tea party for her class at the end of term.



To delight and be genuinely delighted is paramount. It is a source of utmost pleasure, albeit a serious activity, intensely and utterly absorbing.

There is no goal or fixed outcome when we play. It is the journey. And any goals within the play can be freely changed en route to suit what has entailed, or vice versa, or changed merely for that great feeling derived because you successfully can!

Variation is craved and invention relished. There are no mistakes in our exploration. It is safe to risk and be bold, and in this we experience courage. And freedom to be our expressive selves.


In play with Cara we slowly began to build a repertoire of wordless giving and receiving games filled with anticipatory delight.


A born improvisor, generous, highly inventive, with sublime comic timing, Finnian aka Spider-Man was bitten by a radioactive spider.

Honouring his talents for performance and drawing, the plan was to create a short film of Finnian performing as Spider-Man on an adventure around the school and then to animate his vision further using his drawings.


sensory films


monkey, duck, tiger, dog